...Searching For Answers In The Cloudy Sky...
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Anyways, I don't think I can do any updates until next weekend or something... As I have so many Birthday's and gatherings... So stressed out at the moment... Dealing with double schedualing with which places I can go to and stuff.. Seems like LOADS of birthdays this month... Did everyone just decide to have a kid in this month??? I'm going poor because of it.. LoL!
Anywhos, I'd better get back to work... Can't waste time now, can we? hehe..,
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Where The Heck Have I Been???
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Best Friend...

Friday, September 18, 2009
Two Weeks Ago...
Monday, September 14, 2009
Fixed & Loaded...

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Awsome Week SO FAR....
Thursday, August 27, 2009
So Far...
Anyways, I will post some photos on the weekend. ^^
So I haven't been home for 2 days in this week so far, just wait till the weekend. Haha!
Anywho, yesterday I finally had time for Neo and it just so happened Syrup was free too. So we all hung out in the Leedy strip.
It was good, but my mind was else where.... Hopeful Megan & Steve are doing well. My thoughts are with you!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thank God It WAS F@#King Friday!
Anyways, finished work at 6:30pm today... Not too bad suprisingly! And had lunch at 2:35pm to 3:15pm... Saw my Monkey not ONCE but TWICE! She should be happy! I choose her over the other options... hehe... No Marshmellow oR Corona! LmAo!
Anyways, we all went to Hana BBQ's for dinner... hehe... Its great when you have the right connections... Awesome meal! Free drinks all around! hahaha... And now someone is addicted to Black Raspberry wine... and it sure ain't me! Because I'm the one who recommended it! Damnit! Just proves that I am an ALCOHOLIC after all... >_<
I must admit... Although I'm not into cars... But tonight I gotta admit! I really did want to go and see Targa! oMg! So many cars driving past... But then again... No camera... Would have been awesome just to take a few snap to show to Stigly! hahaha...
Oh wells... I think the event is on until this sunday! So I will be out and about with my Camera! haha... Thats when I have finished Baking cakes! Damnit! Gotta be a good girl and bake that cake for my mummy! If only she didn't like it so much! >_<
Anyways, I'm feeling tired now... So I will return with some pictures of something... Hopefully! haha... Until next time... Stay Safe!
bTw... Its nice to know that you miss me and still think of the retarded me! You know who you are! ^^
Friday, August 21, 2009
Random HIGH-LIGHT... ^^
Thursday, August 20, 2009
BaBo BaSh #1 - PaintBall...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
BaBo BaSh #2...

Mel's Court Bash...
**Winks** You know what that means at the Court??? =P
Retro Metros...
The BIG "O" hehe...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
MONKEYing Around...
Anyways, Whats been happening... Well last week wednesday we all got together and took the monkey out and about... Took some retarded pictures... Kinda funny...
Pretty much haven't done much this weekend... Because I was sick... And NO, I was being EMO by not going out... Had to prove my point to the stupid monkey... Ended up going out to play Pool or was that suppose to be the clubs? Cos I so wasn't up for it... LoL... I was in my bum clothes and Monkey was in her Monkey Tee... hahaha...
Anyways, these are the Photos from that Wednesday Night... Must admitt... Stigly looked PRETTY that night... Bahaha...

Sunday, July 19, 2009
All I can say is stop hating! Be nice! You all know who you are! Stop being mean to Marshmellow runner.
Marshmellow can't help being retarded. =X
Anyways, its just something to think about. We're all mates and we all gotta be nice and stick together.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Hamtaro & Ninja Shadow...
Anyways, for those who know and don't know... I have two cats... Anyways, since I haven't posted any photos of them I shall in this blog... They have became apart of the family since we adopted them...
So yesterday I was watching my cats play in the garden... Hamtaro, the white cat was playing with Bumble Bee's... And you can all guess what happened... The stupid cat got stung by the bee... Later on he looked like he had a paw like the size of HULK! HAHA!
I know its really not a laughing matter, but it was so damn funny!
This is Hamtaro and the Bumble Bee that stung him... HAHAHA
Anyways, my Slave Monkey will be leaving me soon... Off she goes to Jakarta... =( So when she comes back hopefully we will be taking more stupid photos with the group... I'm planning another get together thingy... ^^ And I still have loads of planning for Mr.180 & Mr. Stupid... ^^ Bye for now!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Random Thoughts...
Anyways, whats more weird was the reassurance that I got after. But anywhoz enough about my random rantings. I've been limiting myself to the internet lately. Well I just haven't been in the mood. Well I'm out of here! Gotta entertain my mate. Laters!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Nobody...Nobody... But YOU!
Hmmm... Ice cream and then entertainment... LoL! I should have invited Slave Monkey yesterday... Stig was also singing and dancing... LoL! Gotta admit that Ikki is super funny!
Anyways, seems like everytime this song plays its always at a carpark and then boys do their thang! LoL...
Hope you enjoy! Although its not as good as what to boys do! haha... Laters!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Anyways, sorry all. Haven't posted any photos yet. Sort of either haven't been home or on the net. Oh wells, I've been trying to plan when I would have a quiet weekend but I don't think thats going to happen anytime soon. But anyways, my weekends are pretty much filled up. And yes, I am annoyed at someone atm. Slave Monkey... You look so cute tonight. <--- annoyed at that person.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
You know when something is holding you back and now its just becoming more clear. What do you do? Why is it when your comfortable with something you become so blinded that you don't realise your surroundings. That is until something small changes. What to do when you have options? Ok, so I'm not making sense at the moment. But I just feel a bit replaced, and I'm pushed closer to something new.
So should I take all the options I get and take a chance?
To start something that is a risk?
I think lately I've done many things that I never thought I would. Its starting to make me wonder, was it the right decision. Funny how you can start liking the things you hate. And hate the things you onced liked.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Anyways, just thought this person was super sweet! Haha!
Its sad when this person cares for so many and yet it seems like many take advantage of his good nature. So funny, he asked me about dinner and then ordered one of his mates to cook. Haha
It been a long time since we hung out. Hehe! Anyways, I'm outta here! Everyone has finally woken up. ^^
Until then... Stay safe over the long weekend!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
This Week So Far..
After Voting to Perth having Daylight Savings or NOT... I ended up with my Slave Monkeys... Hehe... We ended up baking... miniture Chocolate cup cakes... ehehe... Sarah's Kitchen will never be the same again... bahaha...
The after effects of the cup cakes... BAHAHA... Only some of you, would understand... hehe... And NEVER again... Will we all sleep in the bed again... bahaha... Too many in the bed... >_<>
Keke... Slave Monkey didn't have any clothes to wear... So into Stigly's closet I searched... Chris Brown T-Shirt... Bahaha... From the Concert... hehe... And thankfully I had some pants for her to wear... Love my BONDS... hehehe... Super Comfy!!!
So anyways... What have I done this week so far... Hmm... Well I had a FallOut with a mate... Won't mention who... But they tried to make it up to me and we ended up having pizza... hehe

Hmmm... Lemon Lime Bitters... A bit bored at the time... hahaha...
Calzone Pizza... Hmmm... There was something else that I ordered... But I didn't take any snaps of it... hahaha...
Tight-Ass Tuesday's... oMg... Fresh Waffles... Feels like I haven't had them in ages...
Bell Tower... Suppose to be a MUST see in Perth... BORING! I'll tell ya! I wonder who thought of putting this stupid icon in Perth... >_<"
And around it I took crappy snaps... Damnit! I wish I had my camera...
So ugly... Even if I have taken a bad shot of it... @_@
Waste of Taxpayer's $$$
Hehe... Got my ticket to go on the Ferris Wheel...

Oh Yeah... Forgot to mention... Pink is FINALLY here!!! I totally forgot I had tickets to go to her concert... Hopefully its not on a day that I've planned something... I haven't checked to see which day I brought... >_<