...Searching For Answers In The Cloudy Sky...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Anyways, just thought this person was super sweet! Haha!
Its sad when this person cares for so many and yet it seems like many take advantage of his good nature. So funny, he asked me about dinner and then ordered one of his mates to cook. Haha
It been a long time since we hung out. Hehe! Anyways, I'm outta here! Everyone has finally woken up. ^^
Until then... Stay safe over the long weekend!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
This Week So Far..
After Voting to Perth having Daylight Savings or NOT... I ended up with my Slave Monkeys... Hehe... We ended up baking... miniture Chocolate cup cakes... ehehe... Sarah's Kitchen will never be the same again... bahaha...
The after effects of the cup cakes... BAHAHA... Only some of you, would understand... hehe... And NEVER again... Will we all sleep in the bed again... bahaha... Too many in the bed... >_<>
Keke... Slave Monkey didn't have any clothes to wear... So into Stigly's closet I searched... Chris Brown T-Shirt... Bahaha... From the Concert... hehe... And thankfully I had some pants for her to wear... Love my BONDS... hehehe... Super Comfy!!!
So anyways... What have I done this week so far... Hmm... Well I had a FallOut with a mate... Won't mention who... But they tried to make it up to me and we ended up having pizza... hehe

Hmmm... Lemon Lime Bitters... A bit bored at the time... hahaha...
Calzone Pizza... Hmmm... There was something else that I ordered... But I didn't take any snaps of it... hahaha...
Tight-Ass Tuesday's... oMg... Fresh Waffles... Feels like I haven't had them in ages...
Bell Tower... Suppose to be a MUST see in Perth... BORING! I'll tell ya! I wonder who thought of putting this stupid icon in Perth... >_<"
And around it I took crappy snaps... Damnit! I wish I had my camera...
So ugly... Even if I have taken a bad shot of it... @_@
Waste of Taxpayer's $$$
Hehe... Got my ticket to go on the Ferris Wheel...

Oh Yeah... Forgot to mention... Pink is FINALLY here!!! I totally forgot I had tickets to go to her concert... Hopefully its not on a day that I've planned something... I haven't checked to see which day I brought... >_<
Monday, May 18, 2009
Busy! Busy! Busy!
Feels like we're a couple. Bahaha!
Hmmm... What to do.
Anyways, can't wait till friday! Babo comes back from Thailand! Just in time to join me and the rest on another fun filled weekend. Haha!
Sexpo! =X
Monday, May 11, 2009
I'm BACK!!! ^^

Wow, it feels like its been ages since I have updated my blog... haha... I've been pretty busy with a lot of things... Like Birthday's... Wedding... Birthday's and more parties... hehehe... Its been one of those rollercoaster months... Lots to do in so little time... Met up with a lot of new face and some old ones... Lifes been good to me so far... Hopefully it gets better... ^_^
Anyways, I am just going to post up whatever pictures of whats been happening... Although I haven't really been taking any photos... Even with the parties I've been throwing... It seems like everyone else has done the job for me... bahahaha... Or else everyone was too wasted to take good shots... haha... Anyways, won't leave you all waiting... Enjoy! And I hope that everyone has been good! ^^
Wait! I lied... I will post up the two parties that I threw not so long ago... hehe... and I shall post other pictures later...
Week #1...

My Birthday Bash...

LoL! She was so WASTED! Shot #1!!

Shot #2! BAHAHA...
Weekend #2...

Errr.... Didn't have a picture of everyone... >_<