...Searching For Answers In The Cloudy Sky...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Nobody...Nobody... But YOU!

Its raining today... So I have decided to put something up that I thought was funny for the past two weeks now... haha...
Hmmm... Ice cream and then entertainment... LoL! I should have invited Slave Monkey yesterday... Stig was also singing and dancing... LoL! Gotta admit that Ikki is super funny!
Anyways, seems like everytime this song plays its always at a carpark and then boys do their thang! LoL...

Hope you enjoy! Although its not as good as what to boys do! haha... Laters!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


*sighs* so annoyed at people! Okay, just the losers that ask for your number. Who hands out numbers to sleezy dudes that give you cheezy lines like, how you doin? Eeek...
Anyways, sorry all. Haven't posted any photos yet. Sort of either haven't been home or on the net. Oh wells, I've been trying to plan when I would have a quiet weekend but I don't think thats going to happen anytime soon. But anyways, my weekends are pretty much filled up. And yes, I am annoyed at someone atm. Slave Monkey... You look so cute tonight. <--- annoyed at that person.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Having one of those life changing moments... Feels like a lot has happened this week. A mixture of good and bad. Oh wells, this is life.
You know when something is holding you back and now its just becoming more clear. What do you do? Why is it when your comfortable with something you become so blinded that you don't realise your surroundings. That is until something small changes. What to do when you have options? Ok, so I'm not making sense at the moment. But I just feel a bit replaced, and I'm pushed closer to something new.
So should I take all the options I get and take a chance?
To start something that is a risk?
I think lately I've done many things that I never thought I would. Its starting to make me wonder, was it the right decision. Funny how you can start liking the things you hate. And hate the things you onced liked.