Anyways, a lot of heart to heart talk was done on Sunday... A lot of things became more clear... Why I've been acting strange and also one of my mates...
I guess we all have life changes and we all got to deal with it in our own way. But its interesting how someone you thought was what you considered as a good mate, tells you your their Best Friend... And as to why your their best friend... Its all pretty much understandable... If you all must know... I am talking about Stigly... Yes, he is my Ex-BF... We've both moved on and life is good the way it is... Being back friends was good. But to know that I am his ONLY best friend... It kind of caught me by surprise.
Anyways, it was probably the best thing he's said in a long time... If you know him well... You'd know he issn't a guy that would talk about Feelings and Emotions... Knowing all this I have come to tell him a lot more things that is happening in my life... I usually won't tell him that much about my love life... And now I see he's grown... Telling him who, what, where & when... Just the general details about me dating others he seems alright about it.
Questions were asked and answered and vice versa. S_ _ _ _-_ _ _ is ignoring him... Poor him... But I guess he's got some other chick in mind... KeKe... I think he's too Loved now! Anyways I think I'll end it here... I'll post photos up when I'm not so lazy... HAHA