Don't you just hate it when your sick and its the weekend... T_T" Yes, I'm sick and hating it! Anyways, what have I done on a Saturday other then the usual shopping? Hmmm... This may come as a shock to most of you... I didn't go out and shop... I actually slept all day... To some people this is great news that I actually slept and rested... But to me... Seriously... It was a waste of my time... LoL... Yes, I am crazy... haha...
Anyways, if you know me well enough you'd know that I can't stand staying at home... So I went out... Somewhere random and did random things...
Maybe I should post up what the random thing I chose... haha....
Can anyone guess what it is??? And don't say its Urine!!! LoL...
I don't think anyone knew... Well maybe a few close people knew... But I have been sort of searching for this drink... Its not because I'm an alcoholic or anything, even though some people may say I am... But yeah, I've finally found it and now i've tried it... ^_^
Probably the high light of my weekend... LoL...
Anyways... The bottle is only 375mls... Quiet a small bottle... And NO I didn't polish off the bottle... I actually took it home... LoL...
So what does it taste like??? And how much did it cost??? Well the real question is... My best mate is really a best mate... LoL... Gotta really thank him... LoL... Yes, we made a deal... If the dinner was over $100 then I'd pay... But if it was under $100 then he'd be paying... LoL... And guess who ended up paying? haha... Just under $100...
But it was okay if I ended up paying... Because in the end I did get what I wanted... =P
So this is a Plum Wine... Its got Gold Flakes... The bottle says 99% pure Gold Flakes... I wonder what the 1% is?? haha... Who cares! =P
Anywho's... Its not sweet... smooth middled bodied... And issn't that expensive... Only $22 /bottle... I know many of you's would say... I can buy a carton of beer or a bigger bottle of something... But hey! Its a once in a life time thing... Its not like everyday you can choose to drink gold... Piss gold... and maybe $#@T gold too... LoL...
Anyways, I'd better get some sleep now as I have a busy day ahead of me... Damn day light savings! Starts today... No Lazy ass Sunday today...
Can you see the gold s#!T at the bottom of the bottle??? LoL...