So Chris Brown & Rihanna are touring Australia... YaY! Finally something to look forward too... Unless they cancel out on Australia like most other artist... (Mary J & Timbaland) damn those artists!!! =(
So the concert is happening on 11 Novemeber 2008... And I have taken that day off work! YaY! Well actually I already took that day off in advance before I actually decided to go to the concert... Anyways, that day should be hectic as Joy to the World is coming to Perth for the first time... But yeah, that day I already planned to shop till I drop, then lunch & finally pick up Joyce... =(
So yeah, the concert should be good... Hehe... Such a Good Close mate! Free ticket to the concert! YesSsSSssSSs... The high light of my day! =P
So what else is happening around Perth in November???

GLOBAL GATHERING!!!! YAY!!!! Gonna be loads of FUN FUN FUN!!!! haha... Can't wait!!! As you can see on the Flyer... There's going to be a lot of DJ's... Another good thing is its on a boring Lazy Ass Sunday... Down side of this is that I have work the next day... So now I am just thinking if I should go or not... It ends at 10pm... But I'm still going to be really tired because its an ALL DAY event! =D
Anyways... I'll leave it here... Just an update on whats happening in Novemeber...
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