Hmmm... Where to begin... Oh yeah... Well anyways... Yesterday I met up with Mr. Edison again. Even though it was a short meet up it was fun. Just not as fun as dinner was... hahaha... I guess because my errr... so-called "dad" was there... hahaha...
But it did brighten up my night a little... And I am still waiting to do that bet... oh wait... We have two things we planned to do... It just depends on if Mr. Edison is not too busy for me... hahaha... And also if my dad will stop restricting me... =_="
At times I think I should do the same thing with him too... He has been asking me questions about what he should do... I guess its because I am his only family here and not only that, I have met her...
*sighs* Its a real worry that he thinks she is the one... I really do think he is taking things a little too fast... She has sort of failed in my eyes as a wife... =X
I don't even think she knows what my brother likes... She told him that there was a really nice jacket and that she had put it on hold for him. As soon as I saw it... it was a "OMG noway!" and whats worse is when she asked me... "Is it nice?" I had to think fast, because my eyes popped out! But I just said to her... I think he should try it on first. Thank god, she left me and dumb-ass alone with the jacket. Now the Jacket issn't that ugly... It just looked CHEAP! =X
But Dumb-Ass and I both agreed that it was not him. My gosh... for someone's girlfriend to pick something that would not suit them nor would the partner like it... its bad...
I was talking to him about it... I was just like... errrr...dude.... for a girlfriend... she doesn't know you... Even I know what all my BF's liked... But then again... I could be wrong about that... haha
Well if nobody liked any gifts I got them... Please, just tell me or comment here... haha
Anyways... I think I should blog about something more happier... Well... Hmmm... Oh yeah... Mr.Edison... haha... I think that is the perfect name for you... unless you like the name... hmmm.. "Mr.Hamsup" hahaha... You know I'm right about that... hehe... No more KBS for you! Oh wait... You are going to take that car with the reg-jo "KBS1"... =P
Something else that has made me laugh is.... haha... Haven't found a good nick name for this person yet... But I will soon... Hopefully... Anyways... Our cultures are so different and we learn from each other... You can never really insult me or hurt me by what you say... You are an ANGEL!!! ^_^
haha... New nick name for you... =P
Anyways... Time to get ready to see PCD... There coming to Pavillion at the Chocolate Lounge today... We all want to see Nichole... Because she's HOT! And Hopefully Mr. Edison can come along since he does nothing all day at work... haha... J/K! Because his work is at the bank... bahaha
Oh no... Are you going to get me back for saying that??? >_<"
Oh wells... Its worth it... =P
...Searching For Answers In The Cloudy Sky...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Simple Is Best...
Well thoses were just some ransom pictures I took while in the jungle... I haven't posted up some of the pictures of other things that were in the jungle... Like the MONKEY'S... That day was nice, it was different from the usual city life style. Also the temperature wasn't that hot and it was quiet nice. I think I needed a real change from the everyday city life style.
I am the type of person that loves the city life but I think sometimes it can be a little boring because you just don't get to enjoy some parts of nature. Sometimes simple is best! Anyways... Hope you all enjoy my random pictures... even though there not the best but hey... Life's not perfect and nor am I..
I am the type of person that loves the city life but I think sometimes it can be a little boring because you just don't get to enjoy some parts of nature. Sometimes simple is best! Anyways... Hope you all enjoy my random pictures... even though there not the best but hey... Life's not perfect and nor am I..
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Let's Have A Break! Let's Have A KitKat!
The start of my day today was a bit slow and boring... But all up together, so far so good! I really have to thank two people that have made my day! I think I really needed to have a break of seeing my brother and his girlfriend... Didn't really want to feel like the thrid wheel anymore...
Anyways... My day started off with meeting Mr. Edison...LoL... We had lunch and that was about it... Then I had made some plans to meet up with "My Little Brother"... haha... kind of funny saying that... Anyways... He took me to Times Square... haha... And we had coffee there... ^_^
Then we both decided to watch a movie... So I have finally have watched "Wanted" haha... something I've been waiting to do ever since i saw the trailer to it... And it was good... Just not as good as The Dark Knight!!! =P
Anyways... After the movies we went back to my hotel so he could collect his presents from me... And we chatted for awhile... It was nice to just sit back and relax without thinking. Thinking about it now... All I want to do is just not think during this whole time in KL... I don't feel like making any decisions... The only thing I want to do is to break as many rules as possible... haha.. Rules are ment to be broken! Life's no fun if you play by the books all the time...
Anyways... My day started off with meeting Mr. Edison...LoL... We had lunch and that was about it... Then I had made some plans to meet up with "My Little Brother"... haha... kind of funny saying that... Anyways... He took me to Times Square... haha... And we had coffee there... ^_^
Then we both decided to watch a movie... So I have finally have watched "Wanted" haha... something I've been waiting to do ever since i saw the trailer to it... And it was good... Just not as good as The Dark Knight!!! =P
Anyways... After the movies we went back to my hotel so he could collect his presents from me... And we chatted for awhile... It was nice to just sit back and relax without thinking. Thinking about it now... All I want to do is just not think during this whole time in KL... I don't feel like making any decisions... The only thing I want to do is to break as many rules as possible... haha.. Rules are ment to be broken! Life's no fun if you play by the books all the time...
Monday, July 28, 2008
...BLeH...My brother is a DUMB-ASS...
Its been ages since I've written in my blog. I would have been writing in here everyday, but my hotel sucks! The internet is HELL SLOW!!! *sighs* -_-"
Oh wells... I'm trying to make the most out of it, while I'm here. Trying to use the most of everything because this place sucks!
Well everyone seems to be asking me about how my trip so far... Its...errmm... Well lets just say I'm not having the best of times. Its funny because I told my brother about it and he was really disappointed that I felt that way. Arghhh... I hate being like this! Oh wells... Now everyday infront of him I just pretend that I'm having lots of fun! Don't want to stress him out. What can I say about his girlfriend... She seems nice of the outside... Its just that I don't know her, but I really think she issn't very... How can I put this into nice words... She's the type of girl that hasn't experienced much in life, even though she has travelled a lot, she's not the type that likes to explore the world and see what's out there.
Love is blind... What more can I say about there relationship. I will write more about her later, as there is much more to know about her.
Hmm... My everyday life here is... shop, shop, shop... and stay bored in the hotel. I don't require anything else.. I can't even sleep here... And eatting... Hmmm... I've kind of lost my appetite here... And its not due to the weather... It funny because everyday my brother will say to me... "You'll love it here! And when we have to fly back to Perth, you will say you don't want to leave!" If he only could read my throughts... Another funny thing is... He thinks he knows me very well... someone asked him what do I like eatting and why don't I eat prawns and certain things. And he didn't really know the answer to it and made up some BS! Well I think he didn't make BS, its just I think that's what he throught, I don't think he really knew because the dumb-ass has never asked me why.
Well anyways...I cbf blogging about the Dumb-ass anymore... Maybe later I will post up some of my new pictures... I have many that are all on my laptop as this hotel computer sucks like the internet connection.. T_T"
Oh wells... I'm trying to make the most out of it, while I'm here. Trying to use the most of everything because this place sucks!
Well everyone seems to be asking me about how my trip so far... Its...errmm... Well lets just say I'm not having the best of times. Its funny because I told my brother about it and he was really disappointed that I felt that way. Arghhh... I hate being like this! Oh wells... Now everyday infront of him I just pretend that I'm having lots of fun! Don't want to stress him out. What can I say about his girlfriend... She seems nice of the outside... Its just that I don't know her, but I really think she issn't very... How can I put this into nice words... She's the type of girl that hasn't experienced much in life, even though she has travelled a lot, she's not the type that likes to explore the world and see what's out there.
Love is blind... What more can I say about there relationship. I will write more about her later, as there is much more to know about her.
Hmm... My everyday life here is... shop, shop, shop... and stay bored in the hotel. I don't require anything else.. I can't even sleep here... And eatting... Hmmm... I've kind of lost my appetite here... And its not due to the weather... It funny because everyday my brother will say to me... "You'll love it here! And when we have to fly back to Perth, you will say you don't want to leave!" If he only could read my throughts... Another funny thing is... He thinks he knows me very well... someone asked him what do I like eatting and why don't I eat prawns and certain things. And he didn't really know the answer to it and made up some BS! Well I think he didn't make BS, its just I think that's what he throught, I don't think he really knew because the dumb-ass has never asked me why.
Well anyways...I cbf blogging about the Dumb-ass anymore... Maybe later I will post up some of my new pictures... I have many that are all on my laptop as this hotel computer sucks like the internet connection.. T_T"
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
On My Mind...
*Sighs* There is only moments till I have to fly. I feel so disorganised. I feel like a messy. I really hate it when I have so many things that I have to do today and also I have been feeling a little annoyed, confused and a little pissed off. Whats been weighting on my mind is trusting people and what is really their true intensions. Sometimes it feels as if the walls are closing in on me when I do try to trust them. In the end they disappoint me because they have choosen the wrong path. It really makes me wonder, why do people like to take advantage of some people's good nature. Well I don't really know, its just I get the feeling that I am being taken advantage of with a person I've known for awhile now. Everyone seems to know this person tells me that they seem to be the person that is very sly and cunning. Its quiet funny, you end up not believing what others say to you about that person until you test them yourself. I really didn't intend on testing this person, it just so happened that this person ended up showing their true colours. Now I'm just thinking, what should I do with this person? Ignore what I have discovered and continue being their friend, while knowing that they are just a user. Or do I just cut off all relations. I know that the best thing to do is to cut the whole thing, but we've been friends for so long. It really saddens me to feel this why towards this person.
Well I hope things will work themselves out soon. Maybe I was wrong about this person... Even though it doesn't feel like it. What can you do?
Well I hope things will work themselves out soon. Maybe I was wrong about this person... Even though it doesn't feel like it. What can you do?
On My Mind
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
My Busy Day...
Okay, today has been a little crazy for me. I've been trying to organise everything at work, friends, family and myself. Gosh its hard to find time to really think. Its all just been on the GO! Balancing everything on the go is a little harder then I assumed it would be. Too many damn last minute things to do. If its not this then its that. Like must do this at work and must make sure its all organised and ready so I don't have to remember to do it when I come back... Family is a problem now. All want to see me before I fly off tomorrow. All theses meetings and lunch dates, etc...etc... All time consuming. Today I wasted 2hrs with my mother. damn that was a long lunch date. Met up with my close friend, it was good other then her trying her luck out with me. haha.. trying to pay for anything with me is and always will be too hard for her! LoL... I must thank her tomorrow. Hopefully I will have time for her before I fly off... She's doing a HUGE favour for me. haha... Its good to have someone take a load off you... But then again, you will always have something weighting you down.
I feel so stressed out. So many things to do and with so little time... If only I could just pause time for a moment or so. Would be great! But life is not so simple that we can just pause it. Oh wells, I guess I just have to deal with it.
I have a list of things I want to do at work, also have a list of things I have to do for myself and all these stupid appointments with people. But lucky tonight some of them have been cancelled. So that means I have less to deal with. Right now I can't even think anymore. I don't even know what to pack as hand luggage. My brain has stopped working. Or maybe its just shriveled up. haha...
Well hopefully tonight and many other nights I will be able to sleep... I feel really tired and stressed out. And plane flights are never fun when you have to sleep. Hate sleeping on planes, its so boring and annoying. People and there lights on and off, not to mention people that snore and then you have the ones with babies. >_<"
Well I'm trying to relax now, but its not really working. It should get better when I'm actually in KL, or else its when I'm on board.
Hmm... I should blog something funny that happened today. I thought it was very funny. Maybe the thing that made me laugh. As some people may know, my job is doing everything which is basically where ever I am needed, I will apply myself to it. Well I was helping out in the retail area today before I finished work. So to get to the point of this story, I have never heard of such a LAME ASS pick-up line as the one used today on me. It started off with... "So where are you from?" then it was... "What's your name?" and lastly the next question was.... "You have to tell me your secret"... I was really confused by what this guy was saying at this point with the whole secret thing. Well he said... "Yes, your secret to why you are so beautiful..." LmAo... I mean... I know I'm not pretty or anything, but SERIOUSLY... what drugs was he on?!? Hopefully I will never run into him again... But as soon as he said that I really did want to say to him... "The secret is to run as far as I can with LAME ASS pick-up lines used on me!" haha... Yes, I know... I sound like a cold heartless bitch... But hey! I admit that I am one! =P
So with that funny story I will leave it for now and continue trying to re-pack my stuff... Maybe I will post something again later in the wee early mornings... Maybe it will just be more of my collection of random pictures again... haha...
I feel so stressed out. So many things to do and with so little time... If only I could just pause time for a moment or so. Would be great! But life is not so simple that we can just pause it. Oh wells, I guess I just have to deal with it.
I have a list of things I want to do at work, also have a list of things I have to do for myself and all these stupid appointments with people. But lucky tonight some of them have been cancelled. So that means I have less to deal with. Right now I can't even think anymore. I don't even know what to pack as hand luggage. My brain has stopped working. Or maybe its just shriveled up. haha...
Well hopefully tonight and many other nights I will be able to sleep... I feel really tired and stressed out. And plane flights are never fun when you have to sleep. Hate sleeping on planes, its so boring and annoying. People and there lights on and off, not to mention people that snore and then you have the ones with babies. >_<"
Well I'm trying to relax now, but its not really working. It should get better when I'm actually in KL, or else its when I'm on board.
Hmm... I should blog something funny that happened today. I thought it was very funny. Maybe the thing that made me laugh. As some people may know, my job is doing everything which is basically where ever I am needed, I will apply myself to it. Well I was helping out in the retail area today before I finished work. So to get to the point of this story, I have never heard of such a LAME ASS pick-up line as the one used today on me. It started off with... "So where are you from?" then it was... "What's your name?" and lastly the next question was.... "You have to tell me your secret"... I was really confused by what this guy was saying at this point with the whole secret thing. Well he said... "Yes, your secret to why you are so beautiful..." LmAo... I mean... I know I'm not pretty or anything, but SERIOUSLY... what drugs was he on?!? Hopefully I will never run into him again... But as soon as he said that I really did want to say to him... "The secret is to run as far as I can with LAME ASS pick-up lines used on me!" haha... Yes, I know... I sound like a cold heartless bitch... But hey! I admit that I am one! =P
So with that funny story I will leave it for now and continue trying to re-pack my stuff... Maybe I will post something again later in the wee early mornings... Maybe it will just be more of my collection of random pictures again... haha...
Stressed and LAME ASS Pick-Up Lines
Monday, July 21, 2008
Random Photos On My Lazy Sunday...
The water looks so calm... Anyone feel like going fishing??? haha...
I know I sure do! keke... But then again... I don't really like eatting Fish! eeeek... SMELLY!!! =P
But crabbing sounds like fun! Haven't done that in a long time... ehehe...
But crabbing sounds like fun! Haven't done that in a long time... ehehe...
Anyways... Yesterday was a long and tiring day, even though it doesn't really look like it here... Seems really relaxed... haha
Even lunch looked yummy... LoL... Although I was ment to go eat at that Asian Food Festival... But I rocked up too early and everything wasn't ready... And really, I couldn't be bothered with the festival... haha...
I wish everyday was like this... Life would be bliss! haha...
Oh wells... Hopefully soon I will feel relaxed too, while I'm on hoildays...
I'm hoping then I won't be feeling lazy and I will be updating this blog with pictures of my hoilday.
I'm hoping then I won't be feeling lazy and I will be updating this blog with pictures of my hoilday.
Hopefully I should be posting up many pictures as I have many plans during my stay in KL...
Lazy Sunday...
Sea Side Lunch...
Chilli Crabs
From here it just looks like chicken... LoL!
Wait! I can see a claw, just located at the bottom of the picture.
Wait! I can see a claw, just located at the bottom of the picture.
Fish & Chips...
So now it would be just Fish & Chips...
Oh yeah! And Chilli Mussels...
BBQ Squid Salad...
Hmmm... What can I say about this dish... Nothing much because I didn't order it. It didn't really appeal to me or KiTKaT... Bumhead ordered this... Wasn't that yummy...
The End Of Lunch...
This is the End of our lunch...After diggin at it... LoL
There was one other dish... But it was really horrible that I don't even want to post it up!
Just remember... Whatever you do, Don't order the BBQ Scallop Salad!
Sea Side Lunch...
Sunday, July 20, 2008
...Something Sweet...
...우산 [ Epik High ] Umbrella...
I really like this song and also really liked the fan made MV for it. Thought the MV really matched with the song at the start. Its quiet sweet and cute, and then I thought that I would share it in my blog.
Although the song is quiet sad, but its very enjoyable... Hope you enjoy it!
I really like this song and also really liked the fan made MV for it. Thought the MV really matched with the song at the start. Its quiet sweet and cute, and then I thought that I would share it in my blog.
Although the song is quiet sad, but its very enjoyable... Hope you enjoy it!
...Something Sweet...
The Start Of Something...
I've decided to create my own of something, since I have so much time in my life to waste. I guess its really my turn to release some thoughts and feelings that I have bulit up from my own experiences and from others.
I hope I can continue doing this whole blog thing. Many times have I started one and never really did much to it. Maybe wrote a few lines. haha...
To start with... My life has changed a lot during this year. I have been unhappy, depressed and very confused. But things have changed again, just like how most things do in life. So I guess this is the start of something in my life... I think I have changed for the better and its helped me to grow a little more and to understand and accept most things in life. Everyday I try to learn something new about things, it could be myself or others and also things that interest me or didn't interest me but now I am interested. haha...
Well slowly I am going back to my old happy days. I guess this is a very good sign. Its quiet funny as many people that know me really miss me being happy. I guess this is what most people see as "Being Loved by others".
This is really "The Start Of Something..." And I'm pretty sure many can related to this sentence...
I find it really funny that when you do think about things in your life or others, you don't really annalsy it carefully until its actually written down. As I have just realised that writing a lot of this stuff right now has made me think a lot more and it really does make me think carefully about somethings that I'd like to blog about. I guess I will blog them soon. haha... Maybe after I finish doing what I have planned to do all this weekend. I guess I have to set my priorities as blogging can wait and like most of the things in my life. hehe...
I hope I can continue doing this whole blog thing. Many times have I started one and never really did much to it. Maybe wrote a few lines. haha...
To start with... My life has changed a lot during this year. I have been unhappy, depressed and very confused. But things have changed again, just like how most things do in life. So I guess this is the start of something in my life... I think I have changed for the better and its helped me to grow a little more and to understand and accept most things in life. Everyday I try to learn something new about things, it could be myself or others and also things that interest me or didn't interest me but now I am interested. haha...
Well slowly I am going back to my old happy days. I guess this is a very good sign. Its quiet funny as many people that know me really miss me being happy. I guess this is what most people see as "Being Loved by others".
This is really "The Start Of Something..." And I'm pretty sure many can related to this sentence...
I find it really funny that when you do think about things in your life or others, you don't really annalsy it carefully until its actually written down. As I have just realised that writing a lot of this stuff right now has made me think a lot more and it really does make me think carefully about somethings that I'd like to blog about. I guess I will blog them soon. haha... Maybe after I finish doing what I have planned to do all this weekend. I guess I have to set my priorities as blogging can wait and like most of the things in my life. hehe...
The Beginning...
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