Sighs... I really hate this stupid Daylight Savings... I think it really screws everyone over in Perth... Seriously Perth doesn't need it... Grrrr... Now I have to wake up early... Eat early... Sleep early... Work early... And in the end... What is the whole purpose of having Daylight saving? Well this is what someone told me... It was to help all the fatties out there... So they could get off their asses and do some exercising... LmAo... But seriously... Do you think any fatty is willing to???
Anyways... I should stop being mean now... Just had to get it off my chest... Because I cant' wait till this Daylight Saving ends as it is suppose to be the last year that we have it and then its voting time to have it permanently or not... You know where my vote is going towards... =P
So anyways, I'm getting really Hyped up about CB's concert thats in 12 days... Can't wait... oh yeah... and Joy to the world is coming to Perth... And I have decided to be nice and not come home after CB's concert... So I don't wake up everyone at home... Most likely stay over at my best mates house... hehe... Poor bastard! haha... His bed is MINE!!! He will be sleeping in the dark and cold spare room... bahahaha... Seems like no one likes that room...
Anyways... Since I am a nice person... bahaha... yeah I know what your all thinking... As If! haha... Well anyways... I've decided to show Joy to the world around perth... going to take her to Freo & Coogee... And also Caro... Because Dumbass doesn't know the S.O.R that well... Damn him! Oh wells... I've already got things planned for her... bahaha... Yes, I am EVIL!
Well gonna hit the sack now... zZzZzz...
...Searching For Answers In The Cloudy Sky...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Gold Matchsoon...
Don't you just hate it when your sick and its the weekend... T_T" Yes, I'm sick and hating it!
Anyways, what have I done on a Saturday other then the usual shopping? Hmmm... This may come as a shock to most of you... I didn't go out and shop... I actually slept all day... To some people this is great news that I actually slept and rested... But to me... Seriously... It was a waste of my time... LoL... Yes, I am crazy... haha...
Anyways, if you know me well enough you'd know that I can't stand staying at home... So I went out... Somewhere random and did random things...
Maybe I should post up what the random thing I chose... haha....
Can anyone guess what it is??? And don't say its Urine!!! LoL...
I don't think anyone knew... Well maybe a few close people knew... But I have been sort of searching for this drink... Its not because I'm an alcoholic or anything, even though some people may say I am... But yeah, I've finally found it and now i've tried it... ^_^
Probably the high light of my weekend... LoL...
Anyways... The bottle is only 375mls... Quiet a small bottle... And NO I didn't polish off the bottle... I actually took it home... LoL...
So what does it taste like??? And how much did it cost??? Well the real question is... My best mate is really a best mate... LoL... Gotta really thank him... LoL... Yes, we made a deal... If the dinner was over $100 then I'd pay... But if it was under $100 then he'd be paying... LoL... And guess who ended up paying? haha... Just under $100...
But it was okay if I ended up paying... Because in the end I did get what I wanted... =P
So this is a Plum Wine... Its got Gold Flakes... The bottle says 99% pure Gold Flakes... I wonder what the 1% is?? haha... Who cares! =P
Anywho's... Its not sweet... smooth middled bodied... And issn't that expensive... Only $22 /bottle... I know many of you's would say... I can buy a carton of beer or a bigger bottle of something... But hey! Its a once in a life time thing... Its not like everyday you can choose to drink gold... Piss gold... and maybe $#@T gold too... LoL...
Anyways, I'd better get some sleep now as I have a busy day ahead of me... Damn day light savings! Starts today... No Lazy ass Sunday today...
Can you see the gold s#!T at the bottom of the bottle??? LoL...
Friday, October 24, 2008
What a Shocker!!! So today I finally switched back on one of my mobile numbers (I had it off for 4 months...) LoL... To my suprise I recieved a text message from a extremely old friend that I met from a online game... Yes, I know I was a geek... Loved my online games from way back... haha... Quiet strange because I had stopped playing the online game for a long time... and I had sort of lost contact with him... I mean we did keep in contact sort of in the game... but then I just stopped... Then it was emails and then we'd stopped... and it became sms's... and then that stopped... LoL...
So anyways, I use to play MuOnline... Some time wasting RPG... haha... Its kind of fun at times when you don't have a job and your studying... LoL...
Anyways, my friend is from the big apple... haha... Still in major shock as its been a few years since we've been in contact... :P
Well anyways, hopefully this time we'll stay in contact... But the only thing that sucks about all this stuff of keeping in touch is the damn time difference... >_<
So thats the only good thing that's happened today... Oh... Other then its seems to be everyone's birthday on the 23rd October... Already 4 people's birthday that I know... @_@
Still have a few birthday's on saturday... >_<
Anyways, I got nothing else to rant about now... Because I've had a busy, tiring and fustrating day... Kind of want to leave it on a happy thought... because my life sucks... hahaha..
So anyways, I use to play MuOnline... Some time wasting RPG... haha... Its kind of fun at times when you don't have a job and your studying... LoL...
Anyways, my friend is from the big apple... haha... Still in major shock as its been a few years since we've been in contact... :P
Well anyways, hopefully this time we'll stay in contact... But the only thing that sucks about all this stuff of keeping in touch is the damn time difference... >_<
So thats the only good thing that's happened today... Oh... Other then its seems to be everyone's birthday on the 23rd October... Already 4 people's birthday that I know... @_@
Still have a few birthday's on saturday... >_<
Anyways, I got nothing else to rant about now... Because I've had a busy, tiring and fustrating day... Kind of want to leave it on a happy thought... because my life sucks... hahaha..
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So I just got home... And I can't stop laughing... So I thought I'd share this movie with everyone... As you can tell its about Hot Dog Sausages... LoL...
Anyways, its about three best mates on a road trip travelling in a Hot Dog Van and handing out free hot dogs... The whole trip was to help out their friend to seek revenge on a T.V Celebrity Thearpist (another Dr.Phil) haha... Its because there friend was dumped by his girlfriend on national television and basically labelled as a LOSER... Anyways, these losers seem to run into a lot of trouble and the whole movie is just funny to the point that I was laughing all the way... I would say its probably one movie that I've just kept on laughing... Although its quiet old, but still funny... =P
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Busy November...

So Chris Brown & Rihanna are touring Australia... YaY! Finally something to look forward too... Unless they cancel out on Australia like most other artist... (Mary J & Timbaland) damn those artists!!! =(
So the concert is happening on 11 Novemeber 2008... And I have taken that day off work! YaY! Well actually I already took that day off in advance before I actually decided to go to the concert... Anyways, that day should be hectic as Joy to the World is coming to Perth for the first time... But yeah, that day I already planned to shop till I drop, then lunch & finally pick up Joyce... =(
So yeah, the concert should be good... Hehe... Such a Good Close mate! Free ticket to the concert! YesSsSSssSSs... The high light of my day! =P
So what else is happening around Perth in November???

GLOBAL GATHERING!!!! YAY!!!! Gonna be loads of FUN FUN FUN!!!! haha... Can't wait!!! As you can see on the Flyer... There's going to be a lot of DJ's... Another good thing is its on a boring Lazy Ass Sunday... Down side of this is that I have work the next day... So now I am just thinking if I should go or not... It ends at 10pm... But I'm still going to be really tired because its an ALL DAY event! =D
Anyways... I'll leave it here... Just an update on whats happening in Novemeber...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Crazy Sunday...
So today I stayed at home, surprisingly I didn't go out with friends... Which is shocking news to my brother and sister... HaHa! So as usual if I stay at home we all sit in any room and start chatting away about our childhood... Quiet funny because when I was little... I always thought my childhood sucked... Now since I've grown up I realise it was probably the best times I had in my whole entire life... Now most would say of course, children don't know better and life is simple and easy for all kids... That maybe true... If you know me well enough for me to tell you about parts of my childhood, you'd notice its not a perfect happy family... There were many things that happened... But enough about sad parts of my childhood... Well we all talked about how getting into trouble by my mum... was like a chain reaction... If one gets into trouble... we'd all get into trouble because all kids laugh when one gets into trouble... haha... thinking about it now makes me laugh... So yeah... Its kind of nice to just reminisce about the past... Because I must admit as a kid I was very naughty... I got into a lot of mischief... hehe...
Anyways, what else did I do today??? Hmmm... I went to Malaga Markets... My gosh! Its such a scary place now... haha... I haven't been there since I worked there... And that was a long time ago... I was 16... HAHA...
Anyways... Its horrible... You have loads of people pushing and shoving... Lots of people shouting whats on special in there FOB accent... Whats funny is there is a fruit & veg shop that is called Hong Kong Fruit & Veg... Well all I saw on the receipt was Hong Kong something something... LoL... My gosh! If the people where from HK... Then I must have not seen the new breed of Honkies... LoL... All look and sound Vietnamese... @_@
Oh yeah... Didn't mention... Today I've been a bitch... haha... I've been cracking jokes about people all day... Damn people! People either bump you in the ass or something... Grrrr... Annoys the hell outta me... At the shopping centres and Markets today...
So since today I was bored... And kinda acting weird... haha... (Like always) I finally brought a ear spike, It looks like a ice spike from Ice Age... haha... Its quiet small... The biggest it gets is about 3mm... So I'm starting out small... And I don't intend on going bigger... =P Its only going to get about 2mm big... Its not like I can shove it to the end of the spike... Or else I'd have a hole the size of 3mm... @_@
But anyways, As I was at the store picking out the spike... I over heard a lady telling her daughter off about getting piercings... Like the Tongue... Damn that lady for saying its gross and blah blah blah...
So the bitch that I am... turns around as I have finished purchasing my spike... Say... You know getting your tongue pierced doesn't hurt... haha... Showed her my damn tongue and the lady quickly apologies to me... LoL...
Whats funny is that in the end both daughter and mother was very intrigued... Asked me loads of questions about it... As always... First question.. DOES IT HURT??? LoL...
I just don't get that lady... Won't let her daughter pierce her tongue but will let her pierce her belly button... LoL...
My sister knew I was annoyed at that lady's opinion... Come on... Your in a damn piercing shop... Don't people realise that there are loads of people that have piercings everywhere??? @_@
Anyways, Yes I know... I am corrupting a little 16 year old about piercings... haha... Oh wells... Not my problem... =P
Like I said I am a bitch... ^_^
So anyways, I felt like changing myself today... Deciding to do something else... My life seems a bit bland... Still thinking about how I should cut my hair... Its silly but I want to cut it short and get extensions... Crazy I know! hehe
Oh yeah... Damnit... Now I wish I was going on holiday's in December... The wedding I didnt' want to attend is now official... Have to go... @_@
Well that wedding shouldn't be that bad... But thankfully its not the one that's happening on Friday! Yay! That wedding I can get out of... What's with everyone getting married... Stupid asians with the whole number #8 thing... haha
But December should be great... Finally Thao is coming back to Perth.. ^_^
Can't wait.. I got a text message from her the other day... Kind of made my day... I miss her! ^_^
Its been over 2 years since I've seen her... Anyways, I think I should stop my blogging here... Kinda blabbered too much about my boring life...
Anyways, what else did I do today??? Hmmm... I went to Malaga Markets... My gosh! Its such a scary place now... haha... I haven't been there since I worked there... And that was a long time ago... I was 16... HAHA...
Anyways... Its horrible... You have loads of people pushing and shoving... Lots of people shouting whats on special in there FOB accent... Whats funny is there is a fruit & veg shop that is called Hong Kong Fruit & Veg... Well all I saw on the receipt was Hong Kong something something... LoL... My gosh! If the people where from HK... Then I must have not seen the new breed of Honkies... LoL... All look and sound Vietnamese... @_@
Oh yeah... Didn't mention... Today I've been a bitch... haha... I've been cracking jokes about people all day... Damn people! People either bump you in the ass or something... Grrrr... Annoys the hell outta me... At the shopping centres and Markets today...
So since today I was bored... And kinda acting weird... haha... (Like always) I finally brought a ear spike, It looks like a ice spike from Ice Age... haha... Its quiet small... The biggest it gets is about 3mm... So I'm starting out small... And I don't intend on going bigger... =P Its only going to get about 2mm big... Its not like I can shove it to the end of the spike... Or else I'd have a hole the size of 3mm... @_@
But anyways, As I was at the store picking out the spike... I over heard a lady telling her daughter off about getting piercings... Like the Tongue... Damn that lady for saying its gross and blah blah blah...
So the bitch that I am... turns around as I have finished purchasing my spike... Say... You know getting your tongue pierced doesn't hurt... haha... Showed her my damn tongue and the lady quickly apologies to me... LoL...
Whats funny is that in the end both daughter and mother was very intrigued... Asked me loads of questions about it... As always... First question.. DOES IT HURT??? LoL...
I just don't get that lady... Won't let her daughter pierce her tongue but will let her pierce her belly button... LoL...
My sister knew I was annoyed at that lady's opinion... Come on... Your in a damn piercing shop... Don't people realise that there are loads of people that have piercings everywhere??? @_@
Anyways, Yes I know... I am corrupting a little 16 year old about piercings... haha... Oh wells... Not my problem... =P
Like I said I am a bitch... ^_^
So anyways, I felt like changing myself today... Deciding to do something else... My life seems a bit bland... Still thinking about how I should cut my hair... Its silly but I want to cut it short and get extensions... Crazy I know! hehe
Oh yeah... Damnit... Now I wish I was going on holiday's in December... The wedding I didnt' want to attend is now official... Have to go... @_@
Well that wedding shouldn't be that bad... But thankfully its not the one that's happening on Friday! Yay! That wedding I can get out of... What's with everyone getting married... Stupid asians with the whole number #8 thing... haha
But December should be great... Finally Thao is coming back to Perth.. ^_^
Can't wait.. I got a text message from her the other day... Kind of made my day... I miss her! ^_^
Its been over 2 years since I've seen her... Anyways, I think I should stop my blogging here... Kinda blabbered too much about my boring life...
Lazy Sunday...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Just got home... Kind of thinking about the people that I've been talking too... They all seem pretty EMO these days... Anyways, most of the problems are to do with relationships...
My Gosh! How hard is it for people to just relax! Relationships come and go... Nothing is forever! Well thats what I believe in... That's why I don't take anything serious anymore... Taking things serious just gets you hurt... 719394... I believe that people should do this... haha... In the end everyone has fun! No troubles... No one gets hurt if the rules were like this... hehe...
LoL... I am such a bad person to be teaching others this! hehe... If you don't get what 719394... Just ask around... =P
Anyways, Caught up with an OLD friend... from way back... haha... Pretty interesting...
Its quiet funny... He said to me that he was glad to have made contact with me again... Also said something about me being very open-minded... @_@
I didn't think I was that open-minded... Always thought myself of being narrow-minded... Well he said that I was the type of person to listen even if I don't concur...
He makes me sound like a nice person... But I'm NOT... Well if you know me well enough.. haha
I am like most randoms in the street... LoL... But then again I think everyone is a Random...
If you have met me or know me very well you will hear me say that I am like all common randoms in the street... I am not a unique individual... I am plain... and really boring person...
If you couldn't tell in most of the things I write in my blogs... I am just a RANDOM... =P
So anyways, What have I done today... Hmmm... Really nothing because I live a boring life... Where did I go today??? I went to the Mini Japanese Gardens... And my gosh the gardens are so small... LoL... Maybe I'll post up a picture or two... hehe...
I haven't really unloaded any pictures off the camera yet... Being lazy as usual... hehehe
But come on.... Its Lazy Ass SUNDAY's... Usually my recovery day, But I haven't been clubbing or drinking... I've gotten sick of drinking and clubbing... All kind of sucks at the moment... I wonder if this means I've grown up?!?! HA! As if.... I just lost the mood to it but it doesn't mean forever! Until you see me with a family of my own... I wouldn't consider myself to be a grown up yet... hehe...
Anyways... Time to watch a Movie or something... =P
My Gosh! How hard is it for people to just relax! Relationships come and go... Nothing is forever! Well thats what I believe in... That's why I don't take anything serious anymore... Taking things serious just gets you hurt... 719394... I believe that people should do this... haha... In the end everyone has fun! No troubles... No one gets hurt if the rules were like this... hehe...
LoL... I am such a bad person to be teaching others this! hehe... If you don't get what 719394... Just ask around... =P
Anyways, Caught up with an OLD friend... from way back... haha... Pretty interesting...
Its quiet funny... He said to me that he was glad to have made contact with me again... Also said something about me being very open-minded... @_@
I didn't think I was that open-minded... Always thought myself of being narrow-minded... Well he said that I was the type of person to listen even if I don't concur...
He makes me sound like a nice person... But I'm NOT... Well if you know me well enough.. haha
I am like most randoms in the street... LoL... But then again I think everyone is a Random...
If you have met me or know me very well you will hear me say that I am like all common randoms in the street... I am not a unique individual... I am plain... and really boring person...
If you couldn't tell in most of the things I write in my blogs... I am just a RANDOM... =P
So anyways, What have I done today... Hmmm... Really nothing because I live a boring life... Where did I go today??? I went to the Mini Japanese Gardens... And my gosh the gardens are so small... LoL... Maybe I'll post up a picture or two... hehe...
I haven't really unloaded any pictures off the camera yet... Being lazy as usual... hehehe
But come on.... Its Lazy Ass SUNDAY's... Usually my recovery day, But I haven't been clubbing or drinking... I've gotten sick of drinking and clubbing... All kind of sucks at the moment... I wonder if this means I've grown up?!?! HA! As if.... I just lost the mood to it but it doesn't mean forever! Until you see me with a family of my own... I wouldn't consider myself to be a grown up yet... hehe...
Anyways... Time to watch a Movie or something... =P
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Anyways, the quick catch up with Chloe was like the usual... haha... Just a bit more crazier... Because Kitty Kat came too... hehe... Anyways, Chloe is going to come to KL with me! Yay!
So anyways, it was too early to eat dinner... come on now... 5pm! My gosh that is early!
Plus I think all day I went to shitty places to eat... I went to "Edo Shiki" for lunch... Never again will I go there... It was GROSS!!! Stupid friend wanted to try it out... Well we really wanted to eat at "Ajisan Ramen"... Its a new place... Its actually quiet okay... only problem is that there ain't much space... So no Groupies! hahaha... Anyways, we couldn't find Ajisan Ramen... Until we walked out of Edo Shiki... damnit! Only a couple of doors down... So stupid!
Anyways... Back to Chloe! hehe... She got so teased about Miss Mauds... bahaha.... I think our table was the only one that was laughing... haha... I mean... This place we went to... I have only been like twice... So don't ask me what the place is called because I don't eat in Northbridge all too often... hehe...
So anyways, Chloe ordered the beef brisket with rice & lemon tea (typical asian) haha... Kitty Kat followed me and ordered juice... haha... We both watched Chloe eat... LoL
Anyways.. I'll post up the photos i took of the food... because someone....(chloe) deleted all the photos I took... T_T" Oh wells... hahaha...
The Chilli Oil Sauce probably tasted better... haha
Friday, October 10, 2008
Random Things
Hmm... So lately I've just been going to work... Its been so hectic at work... I haven't even been sitting at my office table... haha... I think its starting to collect dust... haha... J/K! So yeah, everyday at work haven't really even had time to have a break... @_@"
Yeah, my sister's been pretty pissed at me... She's like... How can you just not take a break from work... And I'm starting to get use to it... Sad... T_T
Anyways, I think the only day that I had a proper lunch was probably Wednesday... Haha... As if! I invited my dad & sister to go out for lunch... I ended up coming late... like 30mintes late... because... You probably guessed it... Work! @_@
But hey... I was busy! But thanks to my sister... I got her to order for me... and then When I finally rocked up... She was ready to leave... >_<"
So yeah... Had a extremely quick lunch with them.... Only took me a 5minutes to quickly eat something and then I felt full... had 2 sips of my Bubble Tea and threw it in the bin... Well of course I had to take it with me... My dad was like take your drink to work and drink it there... But as soon as he left... I threw it away... No time to drink at work... @_@
And this is why yesterday for lunch I felt stressed... Shopping therapy did the trick... haha... I just left work and went shopping for lunch... Felt much better after shopping... Shopping just makes me feel full... hahaha... Was planning to do the same thing later today for lunch... But then.. damnit... Have to go to the bank... ^_^
So yeah... My life is quiet boring... haha... Oh wells... Today should be a better day... because its FRIDAY! This week has gone by so quickly, I guess because everyday I have something to do... *sighs* Kind of stressful at the same time... Hmmm... But after work should be good... Finally I will be catching up with my goood good gooood close close close friend... hehe... I can't wait... Seriously she has been so busy that I hardly see her... I wanted to see her yesterday for lunch as she is usually free on Monday's and Thursday's only... But now she's got a new job... She's turned into a WORKAHOLIC!!! >_<"
Anyways... I have planned to ask her to go with me to KL... Hopefully she can go... Knowing her... she is such a hard worker... I know she really wants her mummy to come to Perth... Her only family in malaysia... @_@
But lucky for her... She is now my family too... haha.... We have the same surname! hahaha... But yeah... I do treat her like a sister! ^_^
Anyways... Moving on...
So a few days ago... It kind of hit me that summer is coming up soon... Its starting to get warmer... and today... I noticed that flies are appearing more... And NO, its not cos I stink! >_<
Getting excited that the Summer feel is kicking in! I just want to go swimming... hahaha... And maybe get a little darker... Kind of getting white from staying outta the sun... My sister says I'm starting to look a little too pale... damn that bitch! bahaha...
Hmmm... What else is happening... Well hopefully this month I won't need to attend a wedding... *Fingers crossed* Only cos that means I'll have to buy a dress... haha... And I haven't gone dress shopping yet... I was ment to go with Trish... For some unknown reason we both decided that we needed to go dress shopping... We end up planning to go, but in the end... We're both busy... haha
So anyways, I'll leave it here... Maybe post up some stupid pictures laters on... Maybe of Chloe and Me from after work... haha... Should be fun! So looking forwards to it... ^^
Yeah, my sister's been pretty pissed at me... She's like... How can you just not take a break from work... And I'm starting to get use to it... Sad... T_T
Anyways, I think the only day that I had a proper lunch was probably Wednesday... Haha... As if! I invited my dad & sister to go out for lunch... I ended up coming late... like 30mintes late... because... You probably guessed it... Work! @_@
But hey... I was busy! But thanks to my sister... I got her to order for me... and then When I finally rocked up... She was ready to leave... >_<"
So yeah... Had a extremely quick lunch with them.... Only took me a 5minutes to quickly eat something and then I felt full... had 2 sips of my Bubble Tea and threw it in the bin... Well of course I had to take it with me... My dad was like take your drink to work and drink it there... But as soon as he left... I threw it away... No time to drink at work... @_@
And this is why yesterday for lunch I felt stressed... Shopping therapy did the trick... haha... I just left work and went shopping for lunch... Felt much better after shopping... Shopping just makes me feel full... hahaha... Was planning to do the same thing later today for lunch... But then.. damnit... Have to go to the bank... ^_^
So yeah... My life is quiet boring... haha... Oh wells... Today should be a better day... because its FRIDAY! This week has gone by so quickly, I guess because everyday I have something to do... *sighs* Kind of stressful at the same time... Hmmm... But after work should be good... Finally I will be catching up with my goood good gooood close close close friend... hehe... I can't wait... Seriously she has been so busy that I hardly see her... I wanted to see her yesterday for lunch as she is usually free on Monday's and Thursday's only... But now she's got a new job... She's turned into a WORKAHOLIC!!! >_<"
Anyways... I have planned to ask her to go with me to KL... Hopefully she can go... Knowing her... she is such a hard worker... I know she really wants her mummy to come to Perth... Her only family in malaysia... @_@
But lucky for her... She is now my family too... haha.... We have the same surname! hahaha... But yeah... I do treat her like a sister! ^_^
Anyways... Moving on...
So a few days ago... It kind of hit me that summer is coming up soon... Its starting to get warmer... and today... I noticed that flies are appearing more... And NO, its not cos I stink! >_<
Getting excited that the Summer feel is kicking in! I just want to go swimming... hahaha... And maybe get a little darker... Kind of getting white from staying outta the sun... My sister says I'm starting to look a little too pale... damn that bitch! bahaha...
Hmmm... What else is happening... Well hopefully this month I won't need to attend a wedding... *Fingers crossed* Only cos that means I'll have to buy a dress... haha... And I haven't gone dress shopping yet... I was ment to go with Trish... For some unknown reason we both decided that we needed to go dress shopping... We end up planning to go, but in the end... We're both busy... haha
So anyways, I'll leave it here... Maybe post up some stupid pictures laters on... Maybe of Chloe and Me from after work... haha... Should be fun! So looking forwards to it... ^^
Monday, October 6, 2008
A Change...
Have you ever thought maybe there is more to life? Funny that this question all of a sudden just popped into my head... Tonight I've done a lot of thinking about things in my life... Its strange... haha..
Hmmm... So I've been thinking... Maybe its that time in my life where I should start doing more proactive things in my life... Whats funny is I told my sister that I was thinking about starting earlier at work... She basically laughed and was in shock... Now she thinks there is something seriously wrong with me... A lot of things are changing in my life and I think I should start living my life again and stop day dreaming... I think this blog may die soon as I am starting to think that I won't be much on the internet that often...
Anyways, moving on... This weekend I think I've spent a lot of time with my family... I guess the SOMEONE that said I don't like spending quality time with family, really got me thinking that maybe I really haven't been spending any time with my family... So thanks... It was a real wake up call... Its nice to relax with family now and again... So I spent time with the person I really don't ever have time for... So yeah, my grandmother was so excited to have lunch with my sister and I... Then did the some shopping... Quiet funny because I like to look at everything and my grandmother will just go with the flow... Like sun glasses shopping... haha... But damnit! Now I have my eye on a pair of sunnies... haha... Shopaholic!!! @_@
Anyways, went to Subiaco Markets to go and buy flowers... The funniest thing is... My grandmother doesn't speak english... Only cantonese... So she picked out her flowers... Then goes up to the cashier and says "How much-eee?" LoL... My sister and I cracked up laughing... haha
After paying... She says to the cashier "One minute" points to the shelf... and speaks in cantonese that she'll be back after shopping... LoL... And the girl understood her... even though she issn't asian... haha... I guess my grandmother is really a REGULAR at that store... haha...
It was just funny at the time... Its one of those moments where you'd have to be there to laugh... There was other funny stuff that happened but I won't go into it as its really just inside jokes... =P
Anyways, Time to sleep off this headache...
Hmmm... So I've been thinking... Maybe its that time in my life where I should start doing more proactive things in my life... Whats funny is I told my sister that I was thinking about starting earlier at work... She basically laughed and was in shock... Now she thinks there is something seriously wrong with me... A lot of things are changing in my life and I think I should start living my life again and stop day dreaming... I think this blog may die soon as I am starting to think that I won't be much on the internet that often...
Anyways, moving on... This weekend I think I've spent a lot of time with my family... I guess the SOMEONE that said I don't like spending quality time with family, really got me thinking that maybe I really haven't been spending any time with my family... So thanks... It was a real wake up call... Its nice to relax with family now and again... So I spent time with the person I really don't ever have time for... So yeah, my grandmother was so excited to have lunch with my sister and I... Then did the some shopping... Quiet funny because I like to look at everything and my grandmother will just go with the flow... Like sun glasses shopping... haha... But damnit! Now I have my eye on a pair of sunnies... haha... Shopaholic!!! @_@
Anyways, went to Subiaco Markets to go and buy flowers... The funniest thing is... My grandmother doesn't speak english... Only cantonese... So she picked out her flowers... Then goes up to the cashier and says "How much-eee?" LoL... My sister and I cracked up laughing... haha
After paying... She says to the cashier "One minute" points to the shelf... and speaks in cantonese that she'll be back after shopping... LoL... And the girl understood her... even though she issn't asian... haha... I guess my grandmother is really a REGULAR at that store... haha...
It was just funny at the time... Its one of those moments where you'd have to be there to laugh... There was other funny stuff that happened but I won't go into it as its really just inside jokes... =P
Anyways, Time to sleep off this headache...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Step Brothers...

So I've just finished watching "Step Brothers"... Yes, I know... Its been out on cinemas weeks ago... But still its so damn hilarious... Okay, so its about these two guys Brennan Huff (Will Ferrell) & Dale Doback (John C. Reilly)... Everyone should know who they are... Come on... They both came to Australia a few weeks ago to promote the movie...
Back to the movie... So both characters are both still living with their parents and both are in their late 30's... @_@
Anyways, their parents hook up and end up marrying... So they all live together in the one big house... Both step brothers don't like each other and in the end realise they have so much in common... Unfortunitly having so much in common end them in trouble as it splits the parents up... Anyways, they both end up growing up and living life to try to get their parents back together... I don't really want to give away too much to the movie... But all I can say is that I was laughing for ages... Esspecially about the white dog shit part... its so darn funny...
Back to the movie... So both characters are both still living with their parents and both are in their late 30's... @_@
Anyways, their parents hook up and end up marrying... So they all live together in the one big house... Both step brothers don't like each other and in the end realise they have so much in common... Unfortunitly having so much in common end them in trouble as it splits the parents up... Anyways, they both end up growing up and living life to try to get their parents back together... I don't really want to give away too much to the movie... But all I can say is that I was laughing for ages... Esspecially about the white dog shit part... its so darn funny...
No GodsKitchen....
So Gods Kitchen Event is happening on 10th October... I did have tickets to go but, I gave them away just the other day... Yes, I know what your all thinking... HOW COULD YOU! haha... Well to be honest I gave it to someone who was seriously down... And GK events happen every year... So really I'm not missing out on anything (thats what I keep telling myself)...
But it doesn't matter... I will be out and about, just not at the GK event... =(
Hopefully they will enjoy them selves... ^_^
But it doesn't matter... I will be out and about, just not at the GK event... =(
Hopefully they will enjoy them selves... ^_^
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