...Searching For Answers In The Cloudy Sky...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Road Trip & The Rest Of The Year...

Back from my road trip!!! So tiring but well worth it!
I went to Margaret River for the weekend and did a load of Wine Tastings... Cheese Tastings... And can't forget Chocolate Tastings... YUM!
Yes, for some reason now I am in love the M.R Dark Chocolate... Not usually a fan of dark but now I am... hahaha...

Hmmm... Oh yeah... I didn't miss much in Perth I guess... Apart from my own bed and lappy... hehe...
Anyways, we were in a group of 7 and drove all the way down to Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse... So that is as South as you can get in W.A.
Note to self again! August is very boring... Sleeping is require or else you go the wrong way... Hence the trip to Cape Leeuwin...
Yep! Was sleep deprived... Because I went out on Friday after work to a Secret Santa Dinner... Didn't sleep till 3am... And woke up at 5am...

Anyways, had fun! I'm hoping I can do another trip down there soon... But I doubt it... Only 25 days till I fly off to Malaysia, China & Hong Kong...
Gotta start saving those $$$ BUT I doubt it once again... LoL... Christmas is around the corner... And I still have to get the rest of that damn present for my Best Mate!
I've only managed to get him a Calibre Shirt and a Calibre Belt... Hmmm... Thankfully he isn't my BF... BAHAHAHA.... I would feel sorry for his next GF...
Its so HARD to get him a gift... What to get when the person has everything they need and want???
Anyways, time to go to work and made those Dollar signs! Its an expensive year! =)

Until then... Stay Safe!!!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I seriously forgot about this blog! haha...
So whats new??? Travelling! Meeting new people! And now I think I am loving the whole thing! Being straight forward with people is so much fun! haha... You know who you are if you are reading this! So just remember everyone... BE DIRECT! And you'll get what you want...

What else is happening??? A LOT! Crazy! haha... But loving every moment of it!
A lot of dinner parties, meeting and greetings! haha... Okay! I'm going to fly overseas soon! I can't wait! I mean in the past 3 months, I've been to Malaysia, Singapore and Sydney (twices already)! Basically a holiday every month... And I would do it all over again!

Its funny because I'm planning my trips for next year already! Melbourne will be 110% on the list! haha... I can't wait for that too! Even if I have to fly there by myself, I would! I love the solo travel now! Well as long as I have friends waiting for me on the other side... I'm all good! hehehe

Hmmm... What else??? I would like to Thank Mr. Alcoholic! HaHa... You are sweet! Totally had fun! Would do it all over again in a heartbeat!
Will catch up with you soonish! Can't wait! Because you know I'm TOTALLY IN LOVE with YOU! Bahahaha... xD

Anyways, tonight I have been reminiscing about things that have occurred in my life... Whats past and whats in front of me now... I'm surprised at what I was then and what I am now... I think I am different to what I used to be...
Like I was saying before hand... I like people being straight forward with me... And I guess that is the change that I see at the moment... Anyways, sleep time! Good Night! And lets hope there are no Blue Balls out there...


Sunday, July 18, 2010


Hello All...

Its been awhile... And I haven't posted anything or nothing... Just cbf with this but I should start posting something up... haha...
So whats new? Nothing yet... Just been on the low at the moment... I seem to want to hide from everything these days... And a lot is happening... Some good and some not so good... =)
Lets see what are some of the bad things at the moment... I have a creepy guy after me... Like usual it seems... Maybe its just a every year thing... But hopefully next year will change... Something BIG is happening... Hopefully it goes well... =D
I can't say too much about it but lets just say its good... hehehe... Just got to let go of a few things before this all happens...
What else is there... Ermmm... I'm holidaying a lot this year... Flying to Malaysia & Singapore this August... Then I have Sydney in September... Followed by Malaysia (again), China & Hong Kong at the end of the year for about a month... Its going to be crazy!!!
My plans for Korea are probably going to be cancelled... Long story short, I don't want to go... =(
But next year I plan to fly to Japan... =D

Anyways, I've been prioritising this year... Getting rid of those who I don't need and keeping those who have been there for me... =)
I'm changing again... Friends, Love & goals in life... And I'm glad I have finally found that something that will make my life worth its weight... hehe...
My life has always been on a roller coaster and a lot of the times I am going up & down with my emotions... But now its been pretty good... I have everything I need now... And I guess I've made my finally decision... And I don't think I will be going anywhere... haha...
If you can't guess it yet... Then too bad but pretty much what I've said here points to one thing... haha... I'll just leave you with this....

Life is too short to not see what is right in front of you... =)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!!

Its been a long weekend... Nothing much to do, only because everything is closed on Public Holidays... >_<
hehe... But what have I done??? Well Lady Gaga was Thursday night! She was entertaining... Although the couple next to us... My GOD!!! We could all strangle her!!! She just kept on COMPLAINING!!! Even her BF got shitty at her... LoL! And then my sister couldn't take it any more... Told her that Lady Gaga was pretty good and that when Lady Gaga was last here... She did sing a lot of her Hit Songs... and then the girl shut F*#K up! LoL...

Anyways, FINALLY I have tasted the worlds BEST Beer... Chimay... Let me tell you one word to describe it... GROSS! LoL... Actually its quiet bitter and has a very wheaty taste... haha... OK! enough about that... I sound like a alcoholic! hahaha...

Well its Easter Sunday! So... Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April Fools & Lady GaGa...

Yay!!! Finally... Tonight is Lady GaGa concert! And also the Long weekend has arrived! Another plus plus!!! And not to forget... April fools day!!! hehe...
Anyways, just wanted to tell everyone that today is a good day!!! haha... Well for me it is... But then again this week has been the best!!! hehe... Well the whole week I've made myself super cheerful at work... Only because its a short week with a long weekend... hehe... I can't wait till I finish work!!!
So until then... I'll post something later... Hopefully... Well maybe I will coz of the long weekend.. hehe.. bTw... to the person who was asking me a personal question yesterday last night... the answer is yes and no... LoL...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Now & April Events...

Hey Hey!
Its me again! Taking up some of your time to rant and etc on everything and anything that comes to mind! hehe...
This weekend has been a good one! I mean... Not the BEST but good enough if I've had a $#@T Week... I mean look at Monday for example! For all those who don't know... Perth had a FIRST TIME Flood! Weird and scary at the same time! My work place did flood and a lot of other things happened... Like how everyone's car looks like a bee hive! hahah... Damn the Hail! They were the size of golf balls or bigger!
Anyways, enough about that! This week I have been busy buying and preparing for Aprils events! I have Lady GaGa on April Fools day! Lovely! hahah! then SupaFest! Should be AWESOME! Only because Sean Paul, Pitbull, Kelly Rowland, Eve, Akon, Jay Sean & a whole pile of others will be there to entertain Perth on a Fun Sunday! YaY! Something to do on a Sunday! Hopefully I should be OK for work the next day! hehe...
Also I have a Birthday Bash to attend... But its a Costume one! Jungle theme! EeeeK! Anyways, I have my costume sort of done and sort of not! I've changed it from a Tiger to a Butterfly... bahaha... Only because I thought about the dress I will be wearing... And it doesn't match the tiger! hehe...
Anyways, my partner will be Where's Wally! hehe... Cute! Hmm... But next month will be SUPER Busy as its everyone's Birthday! >_<
Every week we all will be eatting cake and getting super FAT! hahaha...

So what else is happening in my life? Not a lot... I've shut out a lot of people out of my life... Only because... There is no point of having them in my life... =X
Anything else you may ask??? Yes! I will be going to KL in August... 13/08/2010! YaY! Another good thing happening this year! Also hopefully my mate will come along with I go to Korea! I will be going to KL with her and then flying to Korea alone... =(
But its all good when I have Neo... Hehehe... I sure do Miss him and also the rest of the group! Too bad Ikki can't be in Korea! Maybe next time I will go to Japan to visit him... hehe... Funny funny Ikki!

Oh yeah! Just to let the Dr. know... I miss him heaps too... hehe... We shall finish that game and you won't be shy anymore! hahaha...
You know I'll make you AWESOME! hahaha... I can't wait to catch up! The good old days! Hopefully we will create many more memorable memories... But until then! Be good! hahahha... Kidding! sif you would! =P

Last but last... I want to say a Happy Birthday to DC! I wish I was there for your party! And I hope you will enjoy my present... It may have been sent last minute! But you got fast service! hehee... And also its been bad weather here... Like I said before! Bad storm!

Well I'm off to bed now... its Super early! So I got to get me some zZzZzz... I stayed up too long talking to the Leng Jai! He makes my heart skip a beat! bahaha... Whatever! You know your loved! Good Night all!
Oh yeah! This is for Syrup! I did EAT it! Bahaha! While watching "The Biggest Loser" that show always makes everyone want to eat... I do feel sorry for those who can't... Chocolateeeeee....
And YES! YES! I am getting fat... *Points to Syrup!* Thanks for feeding me! ahahha... Oh yeah! I think I want more now... Since I always have to wait at your work! hehe... Air con!

Monday, March 8, 2010

My Week...

My weekend so far... Its been boring... I finally can say I have been to the Mandurah Crab Festival... My gosh the place has really changed... Not a lot of change but its updated itself a little...
Anyways it was a last minute trip there... Didn't have much planned this weekend... All I wanted to do was get away from Perth... It was either head down south towards Margaret River, Fly to Melbourne or else... Fly to KL... Well Margaret River accommodation was all fully booked out... Just like the rest of the popular south hot spots... Flying to Melbourne costed just as much as flying to KL... Who wouldn't rather want to fly overseas then stay in Australia, right? Only problem was I thought it really wasn't worth it... with the amount of $$$ I really could spend a bit more and stay longer but no time... >_<"

So anyways, its cheaper to just stay in Perth and save up! haha... Although it would have been nice to go on a trip away... But some good news this week! I finally brought some concert tickets!!! Lady GaGa! YAY!!!
I brought 4 tickets, two of which I am gifting away!!! My sister & cousin's birthday are both in April and since Lady GaGa is coming I thought why not! hehe...
So my little cousin issn't so little anymore and is quiet restricted to having a fun teenage life! So I have convinced my Aunty to let her kid go to Lady GaGa! Believe me it was hard... Come on now... Lady GaGa, known for her craziness and wacked out skimpy outfits... Well my cousin's turning 14! What a Awesome concert to attend... For a First timer! HAHA! If I were her I'd be hyped up to go... At 14 I didn't get to go to concerts like that... HAHA! But then again we didn't have wacked out people like Lady GaGa! We had all the Funky (crazy & funny) bright coloured outfits... LoL!
Anyways, I've told my cousin I didn't get her anything! I really do want to suprise her with the tickets... Plus the concert is on April Fool's day! HA!

Well I've been very good tonight... As soon as I went online my brother's GF messaged me in msn... She's been abit worried and wacked in the head about my brother... And I've been a super bitch towards my brother... Long story but I did calm my bro's BF down and I've chatted to her for about an hour...
I just find it funny that she thinks my life is so much better then her's... All she kept telling me was she was depressed and S#!T...
For a whole hour she then finally realised that I was telling her to let loose and do something constructive with her life... Find a hobby...
She said to me... "I have learnt something new from you today... That is to find a hobby" Omg! seriously I could hit her over the head!!! But I'm glad she is more sane after talking to me... So now she is busy trying to find something that interests her... >_<"
Some people these days... @_@

Anyways, I'll end it here for tonight and leave a photo or two from the weekend... And just to let you all know... I have cut my hair again... @_@
It was easy at the start and now I think I really have a F@#Ked up hair style! And I am thinking about cutting it once again... But shorter... ^_^

LoL! If there is one thing that ALL CHINESE Restaurants can't do without! At least they tell it like it is! bahahha....

Where everyone gets CRABS! Bahahha...

Friday, February 19, 2010


Happy Chinese New Year!!! And of course a very belated Valentine's Day!!! Hehe...
Well CNY was on the same day so there both belated! But who cares! I still get the whole Happy Chinese New Year thing from everyone... =)
So what did I do during the following days ahead of CNY & V'Day??? Well it was very hectic... Wednesday night was my mum's b'day... Had to plan and prepare for her Birthday dinner... I had nothing else in mind... Only because the rest of the family has gone to HK... Damnit! I wish I was on holidays too... So anyways the easiest thing to do was to go out for dinner after work... hehehe...
Then Friday night was to celebrate CNY dinner early with my parents... Saturday was spent with my friend and their family thing... We all went to Allure in Burswood... <--- Only ok... (I think Hyatt buffet is better, even though you pay $65 /pp) =X
Anyways, Sunday I slept in and then met all the family friends and etc... Then decided to go to Freo Markets and what nots there... hehe... Thats about it... Nothing special or new... oh wait! I brought a dress I'd never wear... But I really like it... (its too pretty to wear) =X

So now you all have seen what I look like in a dress... BAHAHA... Like a dude in a Dress... hahaha

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


What a perfect day for The Great Ozzy BBQ!!! It was kinda HOT but it wouldn't be Australia if it was COLD in the middle of Summer...
Anyways, today has felt much like a chillaxing Sunday... Didn't plan on going out with friends and drinking it up... Still have work tomorrow... ㅠ.ㅠ"
But anyways had a great day... Slept in... And then woke up realising that I took out my tongue piercing at night... Totally forgot about it because I fell asleep on the phone... @_@
hehe... Silly me!

Had a Hong Kong style BBQ in the Backyard! You gotta love the Great Ozzy BBQ in the yard! HaHa!?! I think it was the plan all along...
So without further ado... I shall show some photos that I managed to snap other then eatting and cooking throughout the night...

BBQ Roasted Chicken Wings

Must have Salad... Can't live without it!!!

My cat Hamtaro... He looks so innocent here...
And he's recovered from his operation... No Chicken for Hammy!

Super Chillaxed... Waiting for Food...

LoL! This is Ninja Shadow... She looks like Cyclops here... Wouldn't stop moving...
But she's in recovery mode... Poor Shadow...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Boo! Just an update!

Hmm... My blog is dying... HaHa! So is everything else... ehehe... Oh wells... I've been lazy and really nothing is happening in my life at the moment... I've just been working... Working... And you've guessed it... MORE WORKING...
Anything else everyone was wondering??? No BF yet... But it seems I have a few around that I didn't know... Suprising! Anyways I just wanted to clarify it... Because its starting to bug me... @_@
What else is happening... I can't believe I actually got myself to go the gym... SHOCKING!!! HAHA! That's probably the last place you'd think I would actually go too... But YES! I did it! It was actually a pretty good gym... It had a spa, pool, sauna, steam room & of course gym equipment... Anyways, was thinking about going again this weekend... =X
Yes, I enjoyed it... I can't believe I'm saying this... haha...

Moving along... I finally watched AVATAR 3D! Yes, its been out for ages... And finally decided to watch it! It was AWESOME and I want to watch it again... =X
Oh yeah... Stupid me! Thought Wai-Con was on that weekend... Turns out its this weekend! HAHA... I do feel sorry for my mate... hehe... But it wasn't a lost going to PCC... Some stupid DVD, CD & Book SALE was on... Anyways, must remind myself not to go to those stupid SALES! haha! But I did get something... haha... Books of course! =P
And that's pretty much it for my so boring weekend!
But this weekend shall be WAI-CON! I guess I'll be waking up early to go see the Bleach event... hehe...

Anyways, I guess I've been boring lately is because some changes are being made during this year... Like that I've decided not to make any friends from work... =X
haha... Long story as to why but I've kept short one word answers to people that seem to want to get to know me... HAHA... Can't say anymore... It was funny at the time and to those who know what happened... But anywhos I'm saving up! Thats all I can say... I seriously want to go on a holiday this year! I want to travel to South Korea & KL... hehe... Just to visit friends!
And hopefully towards the end of the year... I will go to Malaysia once again just to visit some friends and what not's... hehe... Or maybe go to Singapore... But thats just the beginning of my trips planned for this year...
There is another one... And its still in the planning stages as to where and when... But it will be for my Birthday... I've decided that I want to go somewhere for my Birthday this year and actually do something big on it other then staying in Perth...
It should be interesting... hehe... And I can't actually wait for it...
So I guess CNY will be good as I won't be spending... hahaha... Best Time of the Year! $$$ thats all I see... hehe... But then again... My family won't be here with me... =(
They all have decided to go to HK to celebrate it... But its okay! I will make it during this CNY! I guess its a good thing! Since they won't be really seeing me this year! I've already planned where I'm celebrating CNY! hehehe... But damn! I wish I could go to HK for New Years! One whole month off work would be awesome!
Anyways, enough of my rantings! I shall return with some photos hopefully on my next post! hehe... bTw... Whats with everyone tying the knot or popping out babies??? @_@
I'm a bit puzzled on that one... But all I can say is... Good Luck to all those that have! hehe...
Until then... Happy Belated New Years!!! hehe...