My weekend so far... Its been boring... I finally can say I have been to the Mandurah Crab Festival... My gosh the place has really changed... Not a lot of change but its updated itself a little...
Anyways it was a last minute trip there... Didn't have much planned this weekend... All I wanted to do was get away from Perth... It was either head down south towards Margaret River, Fly to Melbourne or else... Fly to KL... Well Margaret River accommodation was all fully booked out... Just like the rest of the popular south hot spots... Flying to Melbourne costed just as much as flying to KL... Who wouldn't rather want to fly overseas then stay in Australia, right? Only problem was I thought it really wasn't worth it... with the amount of $$$ I really could spend a bit more and stay longer but no time... >_<"
So anyways, its cheaper to just stay in Perth and save up! haha... Although it would have been nice to go on a trip away... But some good news this week! I finally brought some concert tickets!!! Lady GaGa! YAY!!!
I brought 4 tickets, two of which I am gifting away!!! My sister & cousin's birthday are both in April and since Lady GaGa is coming I thought why not! hehe...
So my little cousin issn't so little anymore and is quiet restricted to having a fun teenage life! So I have convinced my Aunty to let her kid go to Lady GaGa! Believe me it was hard... Come on now... Lady GaGa, known for her craziness and wacked out skimpy outfits... Well my cousin's turning 14! What a Awesome concert to attend... For a First timer! HAHA! If I were her I'd be hyped up to go... At 14 I didn't get to go to concerts like that... HAHA! But then again we didn't have wacked out people like Lady GaGa! We had all the Funky (crazy & funny) bright coloured outfits... LoL!
Anyways, I've told my cousin I didn't get her anything! I really do want to suprise her with the tickets... Plus the concert is on April Fool's day! HA!
Well I've been very good tonight... As soon as I went online my brother's GF messaged me in msn... She's been abit worried and wacked in the head about my brother... And I've been a super bitch towards my brother... Long story but I did calm my bro's BF down and I've chatted to her for about an hour...
I just find it funny that she thinks my life is so much better then her's... All she kept telling me was she was depressed and S#!T...
For a whole hour she then finally realised that I was telling her to let loose and do something constructive with her life... Find a hobby...
She said to me... "I have learnt something new from you today... That is to find a hobby" Omg! seriously I could hit her over the head!!! But I'm glad she is more sane after talking to me... So now she is busy trying to find something that interests her... >_<"
Some people these days... @_@
Anyways, I'll end it here for tonight and leave a photo or two from the weekend... And just to let you all know... I have cut my hair again... @_@
It was easy at the start and now I think I really have a F@#Ked up hair style! And I am thinking about cutting it once again... But shorter... ^_^

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