Hey Hey!
Its me again! Taking up some of your time to rant and etc on everything and anything that comes to mind! hehe...
This weekend has been a good one! I mean... Not the BEST but good enough if I've had a $#@T Week... I mean look at Monday for example! For all those who don't know... Perth had a FIRST TIME Flood! Weird and scary at the same time! My work place did flood and a lot of other things happened... Like how everyone's car looks like a bee hive! hahah... Damn the Hail! They were the size of golf balls or bigger!
Anyways, enough about that! This week I have been busy buying and preparing for Aprils events! I have Lady GaGa on April Fools day! Lovely! hahah! then SupaFest! Should be AWESOME! Only because Sean Paul, Pitbull, Kelly Rowland, Eve, Akon, Jay Sean & a whole pile of others will be there to entertain Perth on a Fun Sunday! YaY! Something to do on a Sunday! Hopefully I should be OK for work the next day! hehe...
Also I have a Birthday Bash to attend... But its a Costume one! Jungle theme! EeeeK! Anyways, I have my costume sort of done and sort of not! I've changed it from a Tiger to a Butterfly... bahaha... Only because I thought about the dress I will be wearing... And it doesn't match the tiger! hehe...
Anyways, my partner will be Where's Wally! hehe... Cute! Hmm... But next month will be SUPER Busy as its everyone's Birthday! >_<
Every week we all will be eatting cake and getting super FAT! hahaha...
So what else is happening in my life? Not a lot... I've shut out a lot of people out of my life... Only because... There is no point of having them in my life... =X
Anything else you may ask??? Yes! I will be going to KL in August... 13/08/2010! YaY! Another good thing happening this year! Also hopefully my mate will come along with I go to Korea! I will be going to KL with her and then flying to Korea alone... =(
But its all good when I have Neo... Hehehe... I sure do Miss him and also the rest of the group! Too bad Ikki can't be in Korea! Maybe next time I will go to Japan to visit him... hehe... Funny funny Ikki!
Oh yeah! Just to let the Dr. know... I miss him heaps too... hehe... We shall finish that game and you won't be shy anymore! hahaha...
You know I'll make you AWESOME! hahaha... I can't wait to catch up! The good old days! Hopefully we will create many more memorable memories... But until then! Be good! hahahha... Kidding! sif you would! =P
Last but last... I want to say a Happy Birthday to DC! I wish I was there for your party! And I hope you will enjoy my present... It may have been sent last minute! But you got fast service! hehee... And also its been bad weather here... Like I said before! Bad storm!
Well I'm off to bed now... its Super early! So I got to get me some zZzZzz... I stayed up too long talking to the Leng Jai! He makes my heart skip a beat! bahaha... Whatever! You know your loved! Good Night all!

And YES! YES! I am getting fat... *Points to Syrup!* Thanks for feeding me! ahahha... Oh yeah! I think I want more now... Since I always have to wait at your work! hehe... Air con! ♥