...Searching For Answers In The Cloudy Sky...

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Hello All...

Its been awhile... And I haven't posted anything or nothing... Just cbf with this but I should start posting something up... haha...
So whats new? Nothing yet... Just been on the low at the moment... I seem to want to hide from everything these days... And a lot is happening... Some good and some not so good... =)
Lets see what are some of the bad things at the moment... I have a creepy guy after me... Like usual it seems... Maybe its just a every year thing... But hopefully next year will change... Something BIG is happening... Hopefully it goes well... =D
I can't say too much about it but lets just say its good... hehehe... Just got to let go of a few things before this all happens...
What else is there... Ermmm... I'm holidaying a lot this year... Flying to Malaysia & Singapore this August... Then I have Sydney in September... Followed by Malaysia (again), China & Hong Kong at the end of the year for about a month... Its going to be crazy!!!
My plans for Korea are probably going to be cancelled... Long story short, I don't want to go... =(
But next year I plan to fly to Japan... =D

Anyways, I've been prioritising this year... Getting rid of those who I don't need and keeping those who have been there for me... =)
I'm changing again... Friends, Love & goals in life... And I'm glad I have finally found that something that will make my life worth its weight... hehe...
My life has always been on a roller coaster and a lot of the times I am going up & down with my emotions... But now its been pretty good... I have everything I need now... And I guess I've made my finally decision... And I don't think I will be going anywhere... haha...
If you can't guess it yet... Then too bad but pretty much what I've said here points to one thing... haha... I'll just leave you with this....

Life is too short to not see what is right in front of you... =)