...Searching For Answers In The Cloudy Sky...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

FML!!! Is It Time To Cut My Losses???

Just need to get this off my chest... But finding it hard to sleep these days... Easy to wake too!!! Its so bad... And for the past two days, I've been waking up because of nightmares!!! I know!!! Nightmares!!! wTf!!! But anyways, won't get into what happens in the nightmare...
*sighs* I am feeling a little annoyed and soon I just won't give a F#$@K! soon...
Slowly I have noticed after awhile I am the type of person that will ignore a lot of things...
Especially if now I am thinking did I make the right decision??? GRRRR... I feel really stupid!!!
Yes, I know I make no sense! But seriously this person is really pissing me off!!! Mixed messages at the moment...
One moment they are happy!!! And just like a hormonal change of PMS, they turn into a major bitch face!!! Is it wrong if I should just ignore this person from now on??? I mean I am finding this person to be pointless in my life and maybe I should just move on... Cut my losses! I have been told to cut another but now I am thinking this one too... Wasting my F#$@Kin time!!!
And by the way, if you knew me... I hate last minute BS!!! It seems like they cannot make up their mind on something... FML!!! I GIVE UP!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Clearing The Mind...

So a lot has been happening these pass few weeks... A mixture of happy and sad things have occurred... And now I am trying to recover on this stupid cold I think I may have gotten during my travels and stuff...

Anyways, lets start off with all the bad news first! And the only one thing that has been upsetting me is that my dearest and closest friend... Someone who I thought was the only one that I shared many things with is now the one person I hurt the most from... How I feel towards him now is just... Well lets just say our friendship could have been saved... I guess people move on and find new friends to be with...
But on the positive side of things... I finally can cross off Korea on my list of things I must do! HA! The best decision I've ever made and hopefully I will go again soon! I'm already so missing all my Korean friends! They are the most sweet and friendliest people I've ever met! =D
What else has been happening... Hmmm... Well since I've been back I must admit that I have been drinking a lot... Which is not good but the company that comes with it is AWESOME! hehe...
Mind you that I have been drinking during my travels too... And Mr. Shante Lover would know all about it! And Sorry, if you drank a little too much around me! =P
Anyways, I am planning to go back to Malaysia for another quick trip because I felt bad that I left a friend during the weekend! I will party with you this time round! Promise!!!
And the trip to Korea will happen in August! Lets hope I will buy my tickets soon... LOL!!! The flights there are long and tiring... =(
But well worth the trip to see everyone! Missing people really does make you want to see them more... hehe...
And it would be great if I could see *cough-cough* more... ;)
Well its nearly 4pm... So I should get ready to go out soon... Being sick makes everything a lot longer and more effort involved... I wish I didn't have to go out but I do... Oh wells, I will try to enjoy Shilla because I miss Korea so much!!! Just don't know about the company as I don't really want to see this person yet... =X
Anyways, lets hope I come back with a positive outcome that we can save this friendship or not... =)