...Searching For Answers In The Cloudy Sky...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


*sighs* so annoyed at people! Okay, just the losers that ask for your number. Who hands out numbers to sleezy dudes that give you cheezy lines like, how you doin? Eeek...
Anyways, sorry all. Haven't posted any photos yet. Sort of either haven't been home or on the net. Oh wells, I've been trying to plan when I would have a quiet weekend but I don't think thats going to happen anytime soon. But anyways, my weekends are pretty much filled up. And yes, I am annoyed at someone atm. Slave Monkey... You look so cute tonight. <--- annoyed at that person.


Anonymous said...

aww hon, hope ur alright... *gonna smash em, especially when THAT person annoys ya* slave monkey giving evils -.-

Anonymous said...

How you doin? *wink*

Anonymous said...

AH ! sleezy dude go away lol

Squid_LIPS said...

how is how u doing a sleezy line..?! more like hello hunni how u today.. me love u lonnnggg time

Anonymous said...

you watch frens?? joey's famous line "how YOU doin.." *smiles* now thats sleezy as