...Searching For Answers In The Cloudy Sky...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Oreo-Mars Cup Cakes...

Today was cool enough to bake... And since I had two requests of Cookies N Cream & Mars Bar Cup Cakes... I decided to combined them both...
Just too lazy to make two different mixtures... So its Oreos everywhere with a suprising Mars Bar center... ^^
So this is how it turned out... It looks yummy... I haven't tried it yet as I have chopped, crushed and broken chocolate, oreos and stuff... Feeling kind of sick looking and smelling anything sweet at the moment... But I think it should be nice... Although I kind of stuffed up the first mixture... Had a lot on my mind this week & last week... Which made me forget what I was really baking... Lets just say a MAIN ingrediant wasn't put into the mixture until I finished baking...

Well it doesn't look too bad here... Still looks very yummy...
Anyways, will update later on whats been going on and my happenings with everything and everyone...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...