...Searching For Answers In The Cloudy Sky...

Monday, September 29, 2008

Tam's Baby Shower...

So today is my recovery day... Drank too much and partied too hard... haha... But its all good... Hmmm... What did I get up to yesterday last night??? HAHA... Went to a baby shower... And now your probably wondering why and what made me get hell drunk? Hmmm... well really I didn't get pissed drunk at the baby shower... I think it was just the cocktails of drink I drank... Anyways... Tam is having a baby!!! She's about 8 months preggers... Anyways, everyone was to dress in either blue or pink and if you didn't wear either colour there was a penilty... T_T"
So anyways, I have some photos from yesterday... But I don't think its viewable... haha... I think there was too many stupid games... haha...
Has anyone every played "Bottle Suckers"??? My Gosh!!! Its so damn hard to suck from a bottle filled with beer... @_@ Yes! I was nominated to play and beer is still gross to drink! Anyways, I won!!! Team BLUE won that round... Then I kept switching teams... because not many people wore pink... I guess everyone thinks Tam is having a boy... haha
So other games were... Pin the Penis or Pussy on the baby... LoL... There was a Long Penis... And when I say Pussy... It was really a Pussy Cat... haha...
Hmmm... Another game was Pillow fight on the bed... haha.. Yes, there was a bed and pillows... and people rocking the bed... haha... Hmmm... Another game called " Come to Mamma" LoL... Toor couldn't even walk in a straight line... Friggin funny as... You had to be there to laugh your brains out!!! So many games... haha... And I really can't remember what else happened... Kind of slow today...
Anyways.... Will post something later about my long weekend... ^_^

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