...Searching For Answers In The Cloudy Sky...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Father's Day...

Just got home and I feel so tired... LoL... Yes, You heard right! I feel tired... >_<"
Anyways, I've been quiet busy and haven't really been blogging at all... So yesterday was Father's Day... And it was a long family eventful day... With Araluen and dinner with the family... Gosh... Araluen was so packed with tourists and families celebrating Father's Day... And I mean packed to the point that the car park was full and people were parking down the street... We parked like over 1Km away from Araluen... >_<"
But in the end its always worth it... Because Araluen is going to be shut down... T_T"
Well anyways... I'll post up some pictures like maybe next week or something... Because I gotta go back there again for a BBQ... >_<
But it should be good... As long as it doesn't rain... And just hope there are still some tulips or flowers left... because when I was there the tulips were at the point of falling apart... haha...
But hey... Not really there to look at the flowers anymore because I've already got plenty of pictures of them... I'm just there to have fun with some friends... =P
Anyways... Feeling tired...

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